
Windows Phone Xbox Live Achievement Guide: Galaga Legions DX

Galaga Legions DX Achievement Guide

The nigh challenging Xbox Live Achievements in the Windows Telephone version of Galaga Legions DX involve reaching loftier score milestones on Surface area ane, Area 2, Area 3, and Championship. These goals are no easy chore, and it seems that the developers forgot to factor this version'southward terrible motility controls into account when choosing the scores - allow's promise for a patch. That said, none of the Achievements is impossible and we've got some tips to make things easier.

The warm up

Galaga Legions DXFirst I recommend playing Surface area i on Beginner and getting a feel for the game. Larn the different configurations for Satellite B, because utilizing them correctly (and switching to Satellite A for full-bodied shots in specific directions) is key to doing well on Skilful and/or getting high scores. Too, learning the differences between the Galaga Leader, Mid Boss, and Flop enemies is important. Killing Flop Enemies when they're close to Leaders and Mid Bosses is fundamental to victory in many stages. This should internet you the Expanse 1 Clear Achievement.

Proficient runs

Now play through Areas one-three and Championship on Practiced difficulty. If you empathise the gameplay well enough, beating them on your first try (with no Beginner run) shouldn't exist a problem. That said, you tin make things easier by playing with the game'south time system.

Galaga Legions DXRun across, y'all but get credit for immigration an Expanse or Championship if you finish Level 5 of that Area by running out of time. Losing all of your lives won't cut it. So if yous're focused solely on completion instead of score, effort to take every bit long equally possible on the preceding Waves. The less time you take when y'all reach Level 5, the easier information technology will exist to finish it. Avoiding death and non making things harder on yourself should always be the main priority, but sometimes you'll meet situations in which you tin safely ride out a lot of time.

Another tip: learn to catch the maximum number of helper ships on the first Wave of Area 5. To do this, stay at the peak-centre portion of the screen until you collect the Galaga Trap – that mode yous won't have to kill potential allies before they join your cause.

Note that you accept to beat Title on Expert in order to go the True Completionist Achievement, not just Areas 1-three.

Score runs

The penultimate footstep will be going afterward the score Achievements for each Area. These Achievements can be unlocked on Beginner difficulty, which gives you more than lives to piece of work with. But Skillful generally gives you more time because waves finish faster, which may exist necessary on Areas 2 and to a higher place. When you're playing for score, clearing each Wave as fast as possible is essential. Y'all want as much time to work with equally possible during Level 5. Also, with luck (and skill) you may be able to get Condom First! for clearing Area one without dying at the same fourth dimension you reach the high score goal, though I actually find Area two easier. Otherwise, requite information technology some other shot while running out the clock every bit described before.

Here are three videos that show players reaching the score targets. You might want to mute the first video to avoid the speaker'south annoying commentary.

5,500,500,000 Points (Championship)

This fourth dimension consuming and difficult Achievement might require multiple attempts to unlock. Championship consists of 5 levels but like the normal areas, but the number of waves is generally larger and the difficulty on many waves is super steep.

  • Level i: xv waves
  • Level ii: 9 waves
  • Level 3: 14 waves
  • Level iv: 13 waves
  • Level 5: 99 waves

The easiest thing to do is simply follow the YouTube video as closely as possible, pausing subsequently every wave to see the optimal positioning and strategy for the side by side wave. The Windows Phone version'due south smaller number of follower ships and drastically worse controls brand following the player's patterns difficult at times, but they're a much better guide than just figuring things out as you go along!

If y'all need to jump to a particular level in the video, here are their starting times:

  • Level 2: 1:31
  • Level iii: two:50
  • Level 4: 4:10
  • Level five: 5:49

Following the video equally closely as possible, hither are the scores I got on the first 4 levels:

  • Level 2: 420K
  • Level 3: 478K (shell him on this one!)
  • Level iv: 478K
  • Level 5: 474K

Waves where I died:

  • Level 1, Wave xiv
  • Level iv, Wave 10
  • Level 5, Moving ridge iii - Died three times. This is the toughest pattern in the game, and then don't accept any risks. Always continue your distance from the stream of ships while pointing your satellites drectly at it.
  • Level 5, Moving ridge 9
  • Level 5, Wave ten - This one can exist exploited for points, assuming you have lives to fire.

My starting time attempt at this Achievement was foiled by a glitch during Level 5, Moving ridge 9. After I died, the enemies never respawned and I helplessly watched equally the timer counted downwards, causing my game to cease with simply 4,345,800 points. Frustrating! I finally got the Achievement on my third try with a score of half dozen million or and so.

Post-obit the video successfully should take almost an hr, so make sure yous've got the fourth dimension when going for this. Good luck!


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